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    “交流月”系列讲座2:Trust in Institutions:The Need for Comparative Studies

    信息来源: 发布日期:2017-06-13

    主题/TopicTrust in InstitutionsThe Need for Comparative Studies

    主讲人/LecturerProf. David S. Birdsell

    时间:2017621 1100

    Date: 21 June,2017 Time: 1100


    LocationZonghe Building 401


    David S. Birdsell 教授,美国国家公共行政学院Fellow,纽约城市大学公共事务学院院长,戴维的主要研究方向为将传媒、信息技术运用在政治、行政和非盈利组织等领域,担任纽约市宽带咨询委员会理事及美国公共事务与行政学院学会执行委员,并任政府治理志愿委员会、纽约人口普查数据研究中心委员会及人权委员会主席。


    Fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration, Dean of the Baruch College, School of Public Affairs, City University of New York. Special Assistant to the President for Institutional Effectiveness, has centered his academic work on the nexus of communication, media, and information technology in politics, government and nonprofit administration. David serves on the New York City Broadband Advisory Committee and on the Executive Council of the National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration. He chairs the board of the Volunteer Consulting Group-Governance  Matters and serves on the board of the New York Census  Research Data Center and the Advisory Board of the Human Services Council.

