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    信息来源: 发布日期:2017-03-22

    学校概况About UESTC


    University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC for short) is one of the first 211 Project and 985 Project universities, and also, the only electronic information–oriented university. It is the first university in China with all the sub-disciplines of the two disciplines—electronic science and technology, information and communication engineering—being national key disciplines.


    In the latest National Discipline Evaluations, five disciplines from UESTC were in the top ten, in which Electronic Science and Technology ranks No.1 and Information and Communication Engineering ranks No.2, Optical Engineering and Instrument Science and Technology ranks No.7 and Bio-medical Engineering ranks No. 10 (equal to Peking University). In the 2017 USNEWS Best Global Universities Rankings, Engineering of UESTC ranks No.94 and Computer Science ranks No.54. In the 2017 QS World University Rankings by Subject, five subjects of UESTC are listed in the top 500, including Engineering-Electrical & Electronic, Computer Science & Information Systems, Engineering and Technology, Mathematics, and Anatomy & Physiology, while Engineering-Electrical & Electronic ranks in the top 200 for the first time.In the newest Essential Science Indicators (ESI), Engineering is listed in the top 1‰, and Material Science, Physics, Computer Science, Chemistry, Neuroscience and Behavior in the top 1%.


    UESTC has four national key laboratories, one national engineering center, forty-one provincial or ministry research institutes, two innovation groups supported by the National Natural Science Foundation Committee (NSFC), six innovation groups supported by the Ministry of Education, and one national defense science and technology innovation group. Recently, UESTC together with the Sichuan Provincial Hospital established the School of Medicine, and founded the Institute of Fundamental and Frontier Sciences, to strongly promote the development of fundamental research such as in Physics and Mathematics. The university has developed into a key multidisciplinary research-oriented university with electronic science and technology being its nucleus and characterized by the harmonious integration of science, engineering, management and liberal arts.

    电子科技大学高度重视人才工作,引进和培养了一批在国际学术界享受盛誉的杰出学者。学校现有高层次人才200人,包括中国科学院、中国工程院院士9人,IEEE Fellow 21人,“”入选者121人(含“”入选者62人),“*****”37人;其中,“”与“”入选人数在信息领域全国排名第一。

    UESTC attaches great importance to talents work, and has introduced and trained quite a number of excellent scholars internationally renowned in their research areas. Currently UESTC has up to 200 first-class talents, including9 academicians of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering, 21 IEEE Fellows,121 selected professors of the Thousand Talents Plan (62 among which are selected ones of the Recruitment Program for Young Professionals), and 37Yangtze River Scholars. The number of professors of the Thousand Talents Plan and the Recruitment Program for Young Professionals that UESTC has ranks No.1 nationwide in information field.


    Embracing its motto of “to seek facts and truth, to be noble and ambitious”, UESTC is in the pursuit of excellence and talents, and endeavors to become the breeding base for advanced technologies and great minds. UESTC warmly welcomes all talents home and abroad to join in its grand course to a more glorious future. Candidates for the Recruitment Program for Young Professionals are welcome to log in http://scholarsforum.uestc.edu.cn/ and apply online.



    1)        属自然科学或工程技术领域,年龄不超过40周岁;

    Candidates should be engaged in natural science or engineering researches and below the age of 40;

    2)        取得博士学位,并有3年以上的海外科研工作经历(业绩条件特别突出的海外博士可申请破格);

    Candidates should have already acquired a PhD degree, and normally had more than 3 years’ research experience overseas (those who possessed a PHD degree from abroad with exceptional academic achievements may be exempt from the letter requirement);

    3)        申报时在海外知名高校、科研机构或知名企业研发机构有正式教学或科研职位;已经在国内工作的,回国时间应在一年以内;

    Candidates should hold formal teaching and researching positions in overseas prestigious universities, institutions or enterprises before coming to China. For those who are already back in China they should be within one year of their return;

    4)        为所从事科研领域同龄人中的拔尖人才,有成为该领域学术或技术带头人的发展潜力;

    As the elites among the peers in certain field, the young professionals shall have the potential of becoming leading figures in the future;

    5)        引进后需全职回国工作。

    Potential candidates should be able to work full-time in China after the recruitment.


    入选者相关待遇Compensation & Benefit

    1)        国家配套:科研经费100-300万元,一次性补助50万元

    From National Government: RMB 1-3 million start-up research funding and RMB 500,000 subsidy

    2)        地方配套:经审批可获得四川省提供的一次性安家补助50万元

    From Sichuan Government: housing subsidy of RMB 500,000 after approval

    3)        学校配套 From the university

    Ÿ   年薪不少于40万元、安家费及购房补贴80万元;no less than RMB 400,000 salary, RMB 800,000 settling-in allowance and housing subsidy provided

    Ÿ   提供科研经费100-300万元;RMB 1-3 million research funding

    Ÿ   根据入选者实际工作需要,提供办公、实验场地;Working and research platform in accordance with the awardees’ actual needs

    Ÿ   聘任到教授岗位,并授予博士生导师资格;The awardees will be appointed as a professor and PhD supervisor

    Ÿ  若进入会评未最终入选,可纳入电子科技大学“百人计划”支持,聘任为特聘研究员(正高级职称);For those who did not succeed in the final interview of the Program, they will be supported by "100 Talents Plan of UESTC" and hired as Specially Appointed Researcher (Senior professional title)


    关于成都About Chengdu


    Chengdu is the southwest China's three centers and two hubs identified by the State Council—science and technology center, business center, financial center, and transportation and communication hubs. In 2016, the GDP of Chengdu exceeded 1217.02 billion Yuan with the year-on-year growth of more than 7.7 percent, which is 1 percent higher than the national average of the year. 278 companies of the Fortune 500 have settled in Chengdu with the number ranking first among Midwest cities in China. The United States, German, Australia and other 16 countries have set up their consulates in Chengdu. Also, there are more than 80 international non-stop routes connecting Chengdu to cities including San Francisco, London, Melbourne, Moscow and Abu Dhabi, etc.


    As an important hub of Yangtze River Economic Zone, Chengdu is embracing new opportunities in "the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road" initiative. In the near future, Chengdu will provide more platforms and chances for talents' bringing in and going out.


    According to the recently released Special Support Policy for High-Level Talentsof Sichuan Province, selected ones of the Recruitment Program for Young Professionaland National Program for Support of Top-notch Young Professionals, who is introduced from overseas or other province and has signed an over five years’ contract, will receive a housing subsidy of RMB 500,000 after working full-time in Sichuan.Chengdu has recently released the Ten New Policies for Chengdu Talents. These policies represent a completely new guide to foster the most attractive entrepreneurship and innovation atmosphere, and to promote strongly the “widespread Entrepreneurship and extensive innovation”, which offer the whole city a sum of no less than two billion Yuan as an exclusive funding for talents. Specifically, the funding is divided into three categories: RMB 3 million for an international top talent, 2 million for a national leading scientist and 1.2 million for a regional senior talent. District and county governments will match the grant with extra funding. In addition, the policy will offer “Entrepreneurship and Innovation Fundamental Contribution Award”, for talents who have worked for more than 5 years in Chengdu and have delivered significant contributions to the development of its economy and society. If these talents pass the evaluation, they will be awarded with the title of “Chengdu Exceeding Talent” and RMB one million.

    联系方式Contact Us







    Division of Talents, UESTC

    Tel: +86-28-61830504

    Fax: +86-28-61830539

    Contact: Xi CHEN  Chuandong ZHANG

    Email: uestc-hr@hotmail.com




    Thank you for your interest.

    Welcome to UESTC.